Frequently asked Questions
Here are the questions that people ask us the most.
What is MMRLP?
The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Resources Limited Partnership (MMRLP) is the legal business partnership between the Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band, Gespeg Micmac Nation and Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government. This legal business partnership was formed in 2014.
What is the MMBC?
The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Business Corporation (MMBC) is the general partner to the MMRLP. This means that MMBC is responsible for the administrative work and legal responsibilities that need to be carried out for the partnership.
In addition, MMBC is responsible for identifying and pursuing new business opportunities, and monitoring existing business ventures.
Presently, there is one existing business venture in operation, the Mesgi’g Ugju’s’n Wind Farm Inc. (MUWF).
Where is the MMBC Office?
MMBC relocated to Gesgapegiag in September 2016 when a CEO was hired. The new address is:
120-A Perron Bld.
Gesgapegiag, Quebec G0C 1Y1
Have there been any profits distributed from Mesgi’g Ugju’s’n Wind Farm?
No, there has not been any profits distributed from the MUWF. Operations of the wind farm began in December 2016.
When will the profits be distributed to the Limited Partners (MMRLP)?
Profits generated through the MUWF business operations are only expected in 2018.*This topic will be explained in more detail through mail out in the following days and during the community sessions.
How will the profit be distributed?
Profits will be deposited to the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Limited Partnership account, and cannot be withdrawn without aBand Council Resolution/Order in Council from all three partners, specifically, the Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band, Gespeg First Nation and Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government.
Presently, the partners (Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Band, Gespeg First Nation, and Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government) have not decided on how the profits will be managed/utilized/distributed. The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat (MMS) will be leading this file in the future.
However, since MMBC is the general partner, the Limited Partner is obligated to reimburse MMBC for reasonable operational expenses for carrying out its day-to-day administrative functions.
Will MMBC be visiting and communicating with the community members?
Yes, MMBC is and will be visiting the communities regularly in the near future to explain what we do, how we operate and what projects we will be working on in the future. A series of info-sessions was held in the Fall of 2017.
Is MMBC working with any oil companies?
No, presently we are not working with any oil companies.
Has MMBC worked with any oil companies in the past?
Yes, there was a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mundiregina Resources Canada Inc. in the past, but it has since been withdrawn from.
There was another MOU drafted with SQUATEX, however, that agreement was never entered into.
What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a nonbinding agreement between two or more parties outlining the terms and details of an understanding, including each parties’ requirements and responsibilities. An MOU is often the first stage in the formation of a formal contract.
Will MMBC work with oil companies in the future?
We will not work with any oil companies unless we are mandated from the Leadership. MMS will be engaging with communities during the “Let’s Talk Sessions” to understand if the communities want to or do not want to work with oil companies in their Traditional Territory. For more information on this process visit the MMS website or communicate with their offices.
What files are MMBC currently working on?
MMBC is currently doing preliminary research on three sustainable industries: Maple syrup, Railway and Tourism.